"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."
-George Eliot
- Pre-summer
- Summer
- Post-Summer
- Cold Summer
Though this state is still dry enough that the trees bribe the dogs, and it's hotter than the average surface temperature of the sun, we're still a solid month and a half into Post-Summer. In any other state, Post-Summer (have you figured it out yet? It's Fall. Or Autumn. I don't know what's the better, more accurate answer) is full of colored leaves, cooler temperatures, foggy mornings, cozy drinks, and comfort foods.
In California, it's five degrees cooler than summer, and I still walk around in shorts, sandals, with a beer in hand and stand at a grill. Good times.
But in honor of what this season is supposed to be around the country, I present to you a tasty Autumnal cocktail I've been making lately. I give you, the Harvest Punch.
We threw a party a week ago for the girlfriend's birthday, and needed a fall drink to celebrate. Weeks prior, I had mashed a bunch of things together, and thought it was pretty tasty. It stuck, and then we needed a name. I argued that we didn't need to name it, and then I remembered that it would be pretty stupid to write this article and just call it "FALL DRINK". So hey, Harvest Punch it is. Kudos to the girlfriend for figuring that one out.
We threw a party a week ago for the girlfriend's birthday, and needed a fall drink to celebrate. Weeks prior, I had mashed a bunch of things together, and thought it was pretty tasty. It stuck, and then we needed a name. I argued that we didn't need to name it, and then I remembered that it would be pretty stupid to write this article and just call it "FALL DRINK". So hey, Harvest Punch it is. Kudos to the girlfriend for figuring that one out.
Cranberries and apples are two great fall ingredients, so I wanted to have them in there as fresh, bright flavors. I use fresh-pressed real apple cider (put down the Mott's, you kindergartner) and a seasonal soda, Cranberry Sierra Mist, for a nice touch of fizz. Mixed with butterscotch schnapps for a nice sweetness, and Cinnamon Whiskey for a nice spicy heat, you've got yourself a cocktail that pretty much sums up the season.
Acquire the following:
Acquire the following:
Is that a bottle of Fireball wearing a swea-- YEAH SO WHAT YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT? |
- 2 parts cinnamon whiskey
- 1 part butterscotch schnapps
- 3 parts fresh apple cider
- Cranberry soda (pour to liking)
- Apple slice (optional, garnish)
- CInnamon sugar (optional, garnish)
- Cinnamon stick (optional, garnish)
I... I think I love you. |
Another note: if cinnamon whiskey isn't your thing, I've found that amaretto is pretty fantastic, too. If anything, it's a little sweet, but still great in a pinch.
Sample it, savor it, and realize how easy it would be to keep shuttling those things back. They're easy to drink, delicious, and have some great seasonal ingredients. Scale the recipe as needed, and get ready to party! Ugly sweater is optional.
Enjoy! - AC
Harvest Punch
Cocktail Recipe from Scott McDonald (Average Cook)
- 2 parts cinnamon whiskey
- 1 part butterscotch schnapps
- 3 parts fresh apple cider
- Cranberry soda (pour to liking)
- Apple slice (optional, garnish)
- CInnamon sugar (optional, garnish)
- Cinnamon stick (optional, garnish)
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