"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."
-George Eliot
Though I live in California, I would argue that there are four distinct seasons. They are (in order),
- Pre-summer
- Summer
- Post-Summer
- Cold Summer
Though this state is still dry enough that the trees bribe the dogs, and it's hotter than the average surface temperature of the sun, we're still a solid month and a half into Post-Summer. In any other state, Post-Summer (have you figured it out yet? It's Fall. Or Autumn. I don't know what's the better, more accurate answer) is full of colored leaves, cooler temperatures, foggy mornings, cozy drinks, and comfort foods.
In California, it's five degrees cooler than summer, and I still walk around in shorts, sandals, with a beer in hand and stand at a grill. Good times.
But in honor of what this season is supposed to be around the country, I present to you a tasty Autumnal cocktail I've been making lately. I give you, the Harvest Punch.